Apr 17, 2012

Take your daughter to work day...

I finally made it into work with Emma and now I need a nap!

We weren't there for more than 5 minutes and she had a massive blowout. She hadn't pooped since last Wednesday so I guess I had that one coming. Then, she was hungry and cranky. So, we were there for about 2 hours, but hiding for the first hour trying to get her act together.

She definitely left an impression - hopefully next time people will actually be able to visit with her.

In other news, Emma had her one month check up. She's a whopping 11lbs13oz and in the 99 percentile for her age group ;) go Emma!!

Here are a few recent pics...enjoy!

Apr 3, 2012

Smile for the camera

Emma gave me her first big smile today (other than her gas smiles). Check out her cuteness!