Feb 17, 2012

One more picture to go...

Donnie and I have been taking a picture every 4 weeks starting at 12 weeks to see the progress. It's so funny to see the outcome because I thought I had such a huge bump at 12 weeks and now I would die to have that body back! HA! Enjoy looking through my adventure through pregnancy and hopefully we'll get a 40 week photo before I pop!

Place your bets!

My colleagues at work have started taking bets on the baby's birthday and weight. What's your guess?

Feb 4, 2012

Making Room!

We have just about finished with the nursery - YAY! Here are a few pictures of what we have so far. We are just waiting on a chair that Donnie's family got us and then we should be all set. I think we will put it next to the changing table -- hopefully it fits! I really love the colors and the way everything turned out in this room. It's so calming and peaceful and I think she is going to LOVE IT!

Four weeks away and everything is still going well and I feel great! I went to the doctor's yesterday (I am now going every week) and, as luck would have it, the baby decided to start her morning exercises and bounce around all over the place right before the doctor came in. So, of course, when we listened to her heart rate, it was a little higher than it should be. Just to be on the safe side, they had me take a non-stress test (NST). For this, they have you recline in a very comfortable chair with your legs up (to which I told them that we should be on the safe side and do this test everyday) and they hook your belly up to a heart monitor. You then are given a hand buzzer and have to push the buzzer every time you feel movement. You sit there for 20 - 30 minutes while they measure the baby's heart rate and match it up to the movements you feel to make sure that the heart rate is at a slow, healthy pace when the baby is not moving around. Well, she moved for 29 minutes and 15 seconds of the 30 minute test and for 45 seconds she was calm (and her heart rate was fine). I couldn't believe how active she was, she was bouncing all over the place and then she got the hiccups on top of everything! The monitor volume was up so the nurses could hear the test while they were coming in and out and in the hallway and they could hear the blips of hiccups throughout the office--she's going to be a firecracker that's for sure! The doctor took a look at the results, laughed at the fact that I had the hand buzzer down for most of the time and sent me on my way! I knew she was fine, but I'm glad they like to double check.

Here's hoping for a great four weeks ahead and then it's the moment we've all been waiting for!!! AHHH!!