Mar 28, 2012

Wrap it up!

Emma is three weeks old as of yesterday and I'm just starting to do things around the house. It's tricky figuring out what, how and when in between feedings and diaper changed every two hours. With 15 minutes for feeding and burping and another 5-10 minutes for diaper changes (depending on the blow-out factor), that leaves me with maybe and hour to an hour and a half until the next food/poop session. And that's all based on IF she sleeps in between sessions.

So, if she does sleep, being the angelic princess that she is, she wants to be held. Some may say I'm spoiling her by not putting her down, but that means you haven't read Dr. Karp's 'Happiest Baby on the Block'. She's in her 4th trimester and I couldn't spoil her if I tried right now (so there).

Well, holding her and getting anything productive done is near impossible. So, I tried using the Bjorn. It worked, but her legs haven't extended all the way yet, so, the position isn't natural for her and her sleep doesn't last long. Still determined to find a way to have a few hours during the day, I splurged two days ago and bought the Moby wrap.

My prayers were answered!!

It's a natural fit for Emma right now and I folded and put away my first load of laundry in record time!

For any first time mom's, I would recommend getting both - the Moby and Bjorn. The Bjorn is going to be great when she gets older (and its something dads will use) and the Moby is perfect for Emma's froggie hold in these first few months.

Here's a picture of my success and her cuteness!

That's all for now, I'm going to go make the bed...I've never been more excited for house work! :)

Mar 21, 2012

Bath Time!

Emma's cord fell off on Sunday night and we were able to give her a real bath! She loved being sponged down so I knew she would love a real bath...and I was right!  I can't wait until she starts smiling and laughing because I know bath time will be such a riot.

Here are a few pics of her first bath along with some others from the week.

She had another doctor's appt this week and she is up to 10.5lbs.  Milk does her body good!

Mar 13, 2012

Munchin Munchkin

Little Miss Emma is already showing off her skills--her survival skills. At one week old, she is back up past her birth weight (a whopping 9.7 lbs now) and pooping up a storm. She's also sleeping in 3 to 5 hour spurts (dare I write that and jinx it...).

She just absolutely amazing. I love her to pieces and I'm just trying to cherish every day, hour, minute and moment as I feel like she's already changed so much.

Here are some pictures of the last few days in heaven. More to come soon!

Mar 8, 2012

Drumroll please.....

Introducing Emma Louise Cavicchi, psyched to be going home today after spending the last three days at the hospital. 9.5 pounds and 21.25 inches -- she couldn't be more perfect and I can't get over how wonderful she smells!